A Falcon Firewall Management complementary solution
The PowerApp seamlessly complements CrowdStrike's Falcon Firewall Management module. Within the PowerApp console, Falcon administrators can effortlessly implement firewall policies for web filtering. These policies are automatically enforced through your Falcon Firewall and extended to your host groups, ensuring streamlined protection.
Used for web-filtering that leverages IP to block domains
PowerApp employs IP addresses to execute web-filtering seamlessly. Whether it involves individual or multiple IP addresses, an IP address range, or an entire CIDR block, our solution effectively blocks specific domains, ensuring comprehensive control over web access.
Easy integration with Falcon instance via API
Effortlessly link the PowerApp to your CrowdStrike Falcon console via API integration. This API enables smooth policy reading and writing between the CrowdStrike Falcon console, and also facilitates the assignment of host groups from the Falcon console to your Firewall policies.
With built-in categorization for every type of URLs
Power App provides meticulous URL categorization, employing a comprehensive system that includes categories such as Entertainment, Social Media, Games, and Porn. This robust categorization enables precise and efficient site blocking within the same category, ensuring comprehensive content management.